Monday 4 April 2011

Assignment 1 Reflection and Other General Observations

So, I was fortunate enough to recieve my result back for Assignment 1 and much to my delight I was awarded a Distinction!  Now I'm pretty stoked with this result, as I did my usual 'self-doubt' routine following the submission of an assessment item, "Did I do the right thing?", "Oh, maybe I should have done that instead of this", "I don't think it's good enough", "Oh well, I don't really care, at least I handed it in", "Oh gee, they talked about that stuff, I didn't , I hope I didn't do the wrong thing!", etc.  For me, this is normally what goes through my head in the days/weeks leading up to finding out just how I went on an assignment, it may just be deemed as unhealthy, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get out of this little habit.  I've also come to realise, after having my mum tell me every single time, that whenever I seem to doubt my assignment I usually do a pretty good job!

So in saying that, I'm really happy with a Distinction, mostly because I stressed myself silly about whether it was what was required (I think this had a lot to do with all the confusion that seemed to be surrounding the assignment itself).

And as I think about how well I did in this first assignment, I pray that I will somehow have an incredibly positive outcome for the second piece of assessment too (that is once I actually figure it all out!!)!

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