Tuesday 1 March 2011

Multiple Intelligence

During our readings and activities in Week 1 of our course study, we were asked to take the online 'Multiple Intelligence' test.  This test was able to show us visually how best we as individuals learn and what environments we best learn in.  The areas in which this test shows us Intelligences in are as follows:

  • Kinasthetic - Body Smart
  • Linguistic - Word Smart
  • Logical - Number Smart
  • Interpersonal - People Smart
  • Intrapersonal - Myself Smart
  • Musical - Music Smart
  • Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart
  • Naturalistic - Nature Smart
Below, is a copy of my personal results from the 'Multiple Intelligence' test.

(Sourced from BGL 2011)

As you can see I am quiet stong in the 'Intrapersonal' intelligence, which means that I am aware of myself and I know alot about myself as a person, and I know my strengths and weaknesses.  I am then secondly strong in the 'Kinaesthetic', 'Linguistic' and 'Interpersonal' intelligences.  This means that I enjoy outdoor activities such exercise, I enjoy reading, writing and talking about things, and I like to mix with other people and am good at sharing things.  My results also show that I am strong in the 'Visual/Spatial' intelligence, which basically means that I may be good at art or other activities where I need to look at pictures, maps or find my way out of mazes.  According to these results I'm not very 'Naturalistic', 'Musical' or 'Logical', which means that I don't enjoy plants, animals or learning about them, I don't enjoy music or learning about it, or I don't enjoy maths, numbers or problem solving.

Personally I agree with most of these results, although personally I do disagree with the 'Interpersonal' intelligence, I don't always enjoy mixing with others, instead I prefer alot of the time to do things alone.  And I disagree somewhat with the 'Naturalistic' intelligence, I actually enjoy animals and learning about them, I love dogs - which is why as a family we own one, and I'm very passionate about horses, having grown up around them my whole life, I see them as beautiful creatures and some I see as my best friends.

So how will I use this information to inform my learning design?  Obviously the results of my Intelligence test show the best ways or the most enjoyable ways that I like to or prefer to learn.  Clearly there are 'Intelligences' that I favour more than others, which in someways will be good, and in others could affect the way in which I as a learner, learn.  These intelligences may also effect the way in which I 'teach' others.  I will have to work carefully to ensure that I incorporate all the intelligences in to my learners experiences.  To do this I myself may have to become more familiar with or involve myself more with the intelligences that I do not like or perform well in.

Birmingham Grid for Learning (BGL) 2011. Multiple intelligences. (online). http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_flp/client_flp/ks1/ict/multiple_int/what.cfm.

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