Sunday 13 March 2011

Learning Design Framework

One of the activities that we were set in Week 2 was to design our very own Framework that we believe will support eLearning design.  To me, this task seemed a bit 'out there' and to be honest I was initially left with a 'what the?' attitude.

We were provided with an article on Engagement theory.  This article basically noted that Engagement theory was intended to be a framework for technology based learning and teaching (Kearsley & Shneiderman 1999).  'Blooms Taxonomy' was also provided for us.  'Blooms Taxonomy' basically tells us that there are different types of learning and the best ways in which to 'address' these learning types.  From here we were required to create our framework.

I really found that I struggled with having to create this framework.  But eventually, after struggling my way through it, and really not quite 'getting it', I eventually managed to get something down on paper, even if it is very broad and in my eyes, not very good!

My Framework

  • Can you/they identify the key terms?
  • Can you/they describe key terms?
  • Can you/they reproduce material in tasks?
  • Do you/they clearly distinguish between theories?
  • Can you/they give an example?
  • Do you/they show they can summarize large quantities of information? 
  • Using ICTs knowledge gained so far, can you/they demonstrate how to do something (create a blog)?
  • Can you/they produce items showing understanding? 
  • Can you/they distinguish between different theories?
  • Can you/they create diagrams showing understanding? 
  • Are you/they able to reconstruct clearer meanings and understanding of concepts?
  • Can you/they design a template others can use?
  • Can you/they justify answers/responses?
  • Are you/they able to evaluate ones self learning and understanding? 
Kearsley, G & Shneiderman, B 1999, Engagement theory: a framework for technology-based teaching and learning, accessed 11/3/2011 (online),

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