Friday 25 March 2011

Appendix 1

Group 1 Technologies

As we have already discovered in the first few weeks of ICTs, wikis are useful in the learning process and in group collaboration.  We were required to create our own wiki, the following is a link to my wiki:

As I will be teaching English and Geography, I can see a lot of potential for using wikis in the classroom.  In English I can see wikis as a great way for students to discuss their views on the various topics being addressed in the classroom.  Much like the activities we were required to do in the first couple of weeks in ICTs (learning theories and the six thinking hats), students can perform tasks like these to access their 'higher order thinking'.  Students could use a wiki when addressing an issue in Geography by setting the wiki out much like the wikis set out in the first couple of weeks in this course, for example.

The creation of a website was another of the tasks we were required to do.  I did manage to create a website, but to be honest, I did not take it much further than that.

PMI on Websites
Blogs on the other hand, I have come to find are useful and enjoyable to use.  I actually really like 'blogging'.  I have found that by 'blogging' I am able to express my views and ideas in the way that I want to.  I believe that this would make for a really useful tool in the classroom, especially for tasks (homework for example) or even assessment.

SWOT Analysis on Blogs

Personally I love blogs.  I believe that it opens up a new avenue for students to get creative in their own way.  They can express themselves in words, images, videos, even the colours and the font styles they use on their blog.  To me, I can see blogging as a virtual form of the 'journal' students are asked to keep in the hit movie 'The Freedom Writers'.  Seriously, what a great technology!


Sorry for the quality of the video, but I think that it really does sum up the point I'm trying to make.  I know that some students will hate the idea of picking up a pen and a writing pad and writing their thoughts and ideas down, so why not get them to create their own blogs??

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