Thursday 31 March 2011

Appendix 3

Group 3 Technologies

This group of technologies I have found are all interactive presentations, PowerPoint, Prezi and Glogster.  I've always found that PowerPoint is an enjoyable tool to use, as I have had to use it in many different instances.  There are so many things that you can do with PowerPoint, instead of just making slides and 'flicking' through them.

PMI on PowerPoint
Glogster is an online 'scrapbooking' style interactive website.  I had a little bit of a play around with this tool, but I think the technology has left me scratching my head!!

Prezi, on the other hand, is a totally new digital technology to me, one in which I had never heard of before the ICTs course.  I'm actually grateful for being introduced to this tool, as after exploring how to create Prezi presentations, and ones that other people have created, I can see how valuable a tool it would be to have students learn how to use.  Unlike PowerPoint, Prezi is an online tool.  I managed to create a very basic Prezi presentation, just to get a 'feel' for how it works.

SWOT Analysis on Prezi

I really can see myself utilising Prezi within the classroom.  Not only as a great tool for students to create visual presentations for assessment and general discussion, but as an alternative to the sometimes overused PowerPoint.  I can see great collaboration and experimentation in the classroom surrounding Prezi, and to be honest, I'd love to just get out there and 'give it a good go'!

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