Wednesday 30 March 2011

Appendix 2

Group 2 Technologies

As our reading for week four note, multimedia is one of the most important parts/factors to online learning.  I believe that, yes this is true, but multimedia is also important to normal 'classroom' learning.

Images are a large feature of learning.  We can use images in our classroom and online.  Images can be used to engage students, force them to critically think.  Imagine students are faced with the task of analysing an image that depicts a particular event in history.  For example, look at and think about the following picture.

Image: Children in Concentration Camp

(Sourced from
** I do appologise if you find this image confronting and upsetting! **

By studying this image our feelings and emotions are tested, we begin to look for meaning in the image.  We engage in thinking, we interact with the image.  Which is exactly what we as teachers would be requiring our students to do.

Another digital technology that was introduced is Podcasts.  Podcasts are a sound file that can be accessed online.  Basically they can be a recording of students work or oral presentation.  And as our reading notes our aural literacy is as important as any other literacy in today's society.  I have made an attempt at creating a podcast, but found it quite difficult, which makes me wonder whether it would be problematic and confusing for students to use.  Although in saying that, using Podcasts in the classroom would be helpful to build students' confidence and assist them in improving their speaking skills.  For example, I remember when I was in high school one of the assignments I was required to do was to choose a song, find the lyrics, analyse the lyrics, write a speech about the song and it's 'meanings' and record myself saying the speech as though I was on the 'radio'.  I recall that to do this, I had to sit in front of an older style tape player (the one's that you could press record and tape any noises) and taped myself reading my speech.  I can only imagine how much more interesting and entertaining my assignment would have been had I been given the opportunity to use such a technology as Podcasts.

Digital video is another 'fun' digital technology useful in the classroom.  Students can create their own with digital video camera, images, audio overlay and music.  By creating video, it can push students to access 'higher order thinking' and show their critical thinking, analysis and reflection of a topic.  Below is a very simple example of a movie that I have made using images and video clips from boot camp sessions run by a friend and my partner.

(Music sourced from:
*Champion [Recorded by Grinspoon]. (1998). On Guide to better living [CD]. United States of America: Universal Music Entertainment.
*Burn it to the ground [Recorded by Nickelback]. (2008). On Dark horse [CD]. Australia: The All Black B.V: Roadrunner Records.)

This is of course a very basic example of how to use Windows Movie Maker, there are many more advanced or different options that you can choose from, such as adding photo/video transitions (eg. the next photo spins into view etc.).  I think that this is a 'great' tool for education, I certainly enjoy using it!  I can actually recall using this tool in a Year 12 assignment.  We were required to pick a news topic and make a new program aimed at both adults and youth, and record it all on video camera.  My group and I got creative and filmed our entire assignment using a digital camera and then threw it all together in Windows Movie Maker.  I'm actually glad that we did our assignment this way as it allowed for multiple 'takes' of each scene and we could edit the film the way we wanted, even including a blooper reel at the end just for fun!  I believe that by allowing students to use Windows Movie Maker, it becomes a great way for students to really get involved in their work as it allows you to manipulate the material so it is the way you want it to be seen.  I know as a teacher I will be attempting to somehow incorporate this tool into my students' learning!

Concept Map of Windows Movie Maker

This is a concept map that I created to show just what I think the capabilities and the positives are of using Windows Movie Maker within the classroom.  I personally do believe that Windows Movie Maker is a brilliant technology tool, and can really see the full potential that students will have when using it in the classroom.

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